DEKKA by Zoe Labs

DEKKA by – Can This Supplement Be Used As A Natural Alternative to DecaDurabolin ?

Dekka by Zoe Labs is marketed as an alternative to decadurabolin, but does it really measure up?

The manufacturer  claims this herbal product is one of the best legal steroids for bulking and muscle gain.

While Zoe Labs website states Dekka is preferred by professional bodybuilders and athletes as an alternative to Deca-Durabolin to enhance their workouts safely and legally.

Because this popular product is a must have alone or in any cycle during bulking, building lean mass, and muscle hardening workout phases.

Also, main ingredients in this supplement are: 500 mgs. of Wild yam root, a 40 mg. Natural herbal base of Yucca bark & Korean ginseng, and 25 mgs. of DHEA.

Claimed Benefits

  • Dekka is the powerful steroid of the Pros.
  • Stable oral delivery that is potent yet free of side effects.
  • Strongest legal product for bulk, mass and hardness.
  • Most popular steroid alternative used in America today.
  • Considered one of the safest anabolic compounds.


Furthermore, many report lean mass and strength gains with no bloating, as well as felling of improvement of their joints.

Side Effects

This potent herbal ingredients gives desirable results without the commonly occurring side effects seen with other Dekka compounds of similar potency.

Directions and Dose for Dekka


Take 1 tablet with or without food daily.

Deca Durabolin Alternative or Legal Nandrolone ?

Based on the ingredient, we can see it contains 25 mgs of DHEA. While Zoe Labs Dekka claims this product is preferred by professional bodybuilders & athletes as an alternative to Deca-Durabolin
Good for hardening and strengthening muscle tissue with lean muscle mass
Contains DHEA – a vital hormone produced by your adrenal glands
A non-bloating formula for boosting and maintaining your defined physique
Safer and more natural than anabolic steroids, yet still effective for energizing your body
Many report lean mass and strength gains with no bloating


Many report lean muscle mass, no bloating, good strength gains as well as feeling of improvement of their joints, while still considered one of the safest anabolic compounds. While works well alone or for crazier results, stack it with Finaplex and Dianobol!

Active ingredients include:

  • Wild yam root (500 mgs)
  • Natural herbal base of Yucca bark & Korean ginseng (40 mgs)
  • DHEA (25 mgs)

Other ingredients include:

  • Dicalcium phosphate
  • Hydroxypropyl cellulose
  • Stearic acid
  • Croscarmellose cellulose
  • Magnesium stearate


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